This is really quite incredible, but also proves that China 's wire and cable industry has been derived from the confusion within the industry to "foreign trade" , extending from the external publicity and marketing. And now, the government has introduced a certain ranking is a lack of authoritative business , but more interesting is that when the wire and cable WISDOM RAC CABLE manufacturers in the number of qualified applicants bid on the table , asked to fill out impressively display the " enterprise in the industry Rank "or" enterprise market share in the industry "requirement . From the perspective of the relevant government departments, doing nothing wrong , was simply trying to understand the size of the business and marketing capabilities , but ignored the lack of such specialized rating agencies . The companies are often faced with such requirements have been caught unprepared , do not know how to fill .
Because of this , some companies have chosen to leave newspaper rankings, ranking greatly to his premise . There are only a few hundred or even a total number of employees, sales of less than $ 1 billion business , even in the " business in the country's market share" column, immodestly fill 3% , and this turned out to fill passed, ironic .
Some aspects of the lack of industry rankings , and WISDOM Network Cabinet very worthy of attention each wire and cable manufacturers , such as , for now, the wire and cable industry to date, the lack of official ranking list released by the industry , whether it is the wire and cable industry associations, or local the wire and cable industry associations, have not done an accurate , authoritative , formal corporate rankings. But from the " qualified bid " process, we found that business was asked to fill in the rankings , scrambling to get business know what to do . We can not help thinking, maybe because when asked to fill out an application companies ranked qualifications , will lead to a variety of ranking on the Internet , including some of the manufacturer or small groups themselves casually fabricated wire and cable rankings, and WISDOM VGA CABLE even their own businesses is negligible micro-enterprises , also among the prominent .
Such ranking is undoubtedly the lack of credibility , even those who have never heard of the cable companies ranked in the top ten or even the first business, and like those brilliant performance , the industry's well-known companies are ranked in more than 70 after that, not even a single rank of such a phenomenon can only be explained confusion wire and cable industry , has been constantly farce .